Therapy For Women

 Virtual therapy in Virginia.

“You’re a badass. It’s time to stop telling yourself that you’re anything other than totally capable.”

– Margaux Flood, LCSW

It’s hard out there.

From day one, society's had us chasing impossible standards—look perfect, act perfect, be perfect. 

We’re expected to do everything the “right” way, and when we don’t, we bombard ourselves with self-doubt, guilt, and criticism. 

We feel stuck, not going after what we truly want, because we're paralyzed by trying to do it all right. 

We end up in jobs or relationships that drain us because we've been conditioned to think that's all we deserve. 

And while we're busy doubting ourselves, we're scrolling through Instagram, feeling like everyone else is nailing it.

Enough with the BS.

It’s time to tear up that rulebook and write our own. 

Together, we'll kick self-doubt to the curb and start building genuine self-love and confidence from the inside out.

As we build this foundation, you’ll see the ripple effects in every area of your life. Imagine actually loving your job, being treated like a goddess in your relationships, and walking down the street like you own it. 

And that solo trip to Greece you’ve been wanting to take for years? 

It’s time to finally book it.

Meet me, your own personal hype girl.

I’m here to support, challenge, and push you to become the version of yourself that 10-year-old you would be amazed and inspired by. 

Listen: I’ve been there – the annihilated self-esteem, the constant anxiety, and just feeling behind in life. 

I learned that building true confidence and self-compassion is the key to living your most spectacular life and achieving whatever it is that you want—whether that's a dream career, a fulfilling relationship, or something entirely unique to you.

If you’re ready to put in the work, I’m here to help get you where you want to go. 

(Even Greece. It’s supposed to be lovely this time of year.)

A sneak peak of ideas we’ll explore

  • Letting go of beliefs like "I'm not good enough" starts with curiosity. Realizing these "facts" may be fake news can radically shift your mindset.

  • Our brains can change. Shifting old beliefs is like building new paths—prove to yourself you can be whoever you want.

  • Sometimes you don't hit goals because they're not really yours. We'll find what you truly want and crush those obstacles.

  • Those "negative" traits? They might be your brain's way of protecting you. By understanding and befriending them, we can turn them into our strengths.

  • Big success and happiness can be scary AF. Learning to handle discomfort is the secret to letting in all the good stuff.

Let’s get started.