Couples Therapy

 Virtual therapy in Virginia.

"We have to take responsibility and clean up our side of the street. If we want our partner to change/meet our needs/understand us, we need to be willing to be brave and go first.”

– Margaux Flood, LCSW

Something’s gotta give.

“And to think I used to hang out with this person for fun”, you grumble, slamming plates into the sink after yet another weeknight dinner turned MMA-style emotional throwdown. 

Either you’re at each other’s throats constantly or the silence is deafening – at this point, you don’t know which is worse. 

You feel misunderstood and underappreciated, and the emotional distance between you is like a canyon. 

You miss the days when you could just laugh together and enjoy each other’s company. 

You’re drained from giving it your all but getting nowhere.

Let’s start with the bad news: The honeymoon’s over.

The good news? The best days of your relationship are still ahead. 

Remember when you first met, and everything felt shiny and perfect? 

Now, you've seen each other's raw, unfiltered selves. And the very things that initially drew you to each other might now be driving you crazy

We attract opposites for a reason—it helps us grow. But it can also lead to power struggles where each person is convinced their way of looking at the world is "right." 

The magic happens when you tear down your defenses and let the other in completely. By truly understanding and honoring each other’s differences, you can both show up as your real selves and feel accepted for it. 

It’s not about going back to the beginning; it’s about moving forward and becoming even stronger as a couple.

When you face the hard stuff together, you build a connection that’s real and unbreakable.

This is where the real magic starts.

Imagine rediscovering each other, not as you once were, but as the fully realized people you are now

You can become that joyously connected couple again, this time grounded in true understanding and acceptance

This isn’t just about returning to ‘good’; it’s about reinventing it as something even greater. 

Before you know it, you’ll go from being the cringey couple bickering in Target to the even cringier couple giggling and holding hands in the canned goods aisle.

I can help you get there.

The "How"

Here’s our game plan to turn things around:

  1. Own Your Part in Conflicts: We’ll figure out what role each of you plays in arguments and take responsibility for your actions. 

  2. Uncover What’s Really Bothering You: We’ll dig into the unmet needs behind your fights and learn how to talk about them.

  3. Learn to Keep Cool: You’ll learn tools to help you stay calm, even when things heat up.

  4. Practice and Adapt: We’ll try out new ways of connecting and figure out what works best for both of you.

  5. Create a Vision Together: We’ll map out what your ideal relationship looks like and start working towards it.

Therapy Options

Regular Couples Therapy

  • 50 or 75-minute sessions tailored to meet your needs

  • Expectation to meet at least 2x a month for 3 months to see real progress

Intensive Couples Therapy

  • Four 90-minute sessions over the course of a month

  • 30 days of unlimited messaging via the Voxer app for instant access to guidance and support 

  • Supercharge months of healing into just one month with a couples expert in your back pocket at all times

Transform your relationship.