In-Person Retreats

Dates and locales vary – reach out to join my interest list.

“This is your time to get clear on your dreams and make them a reality.”

– Margaux Flood, LCSW

So, you’re at a turning point.

Things are okay … but you want amazing. 

You look at your relationship, your job, your social life—maybe they're functioning on the surface, but deep down, you're itching for something more. 

You’ve got these powerful dreams and goals that constantly feel just out of reach, and you’re just lacking the right strategies or the confidence to grab them. 

But you REALLY want to get there. 

And you’re tired of waiting.

Get ready to dive deep.

Do you want to achieve your goals in 6 months or fast-track it in 5 days

Imagine being inspired, pushed, and challenged, with doors opening to new opportunities left and right. 

Think adventure, stepping out of your comfort zone, discovering new perspectives… mixed with plenty of self-care and relaxation.

Experience the transformative power of group support, where shared insights and collective healing foster a profound sense of community. This is a cornerstone of our retreats, offering you a powerful and dynamic environment to grow and heal together.

Give yourself the gift of transformation.

As a woman who has attended many retreats over the years, I know the power of saying “yes” to yourself. 

Thanks to retreats, I’ve built lifelong friendships and visited places I never imagined going

Expect laughs. There might (okay, will probably) be some tears. For the first time in a long time, you’re committing fully to YOU. 

We’ll tackle any roadblocks together, making sure you leave empowered and ready to conquer your dreams.

Is an in-person retreat for you? 

  • You're ready to ditch "just okay" and go for "hell yes."

  • You're into fast-tracking your personal evolution.

  • You're down for adventure and ready to step out of that comfort zone.

  • Forget “likes” and “followers.” You're looking for real connections.

I’m ready to transform.