
“Think of therapy as buying stock in your future self. And this thing is going to the moon.”

– Margaux Flood, LCSW

Yes, therapy is an investment.

And I’m not just talking about the money; you’re giving your time, effort, and emotional energy too. 

I get it, you’ve got a packed schedule, bills to pay, and multiple seasons of Love is Blind to catch up on. My mission? To help you find relief fast, get custom tailored support, and then get back to your life, better than ever.

So, what’s it worth to you?

What value would you place on completely redefining how you navigate your personal growth or your relationship’s ups and downs?

Picture how amazing it's going to be to wake up every day feeling like you’re living your best life, totally in charge and confident in your choices. Laughing more, stressing less. 

More thriving, less surviving.

But here’s the deal …

You get out what you put in. 

Show up, dig deep, and throw yourself into this healing journey. 

Trust me, you’ll see it’s worth every bit of your energy and then some.

While I do not accept insurance directly, feel free to request a superbill, which you can submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement depending on your out-of-network benefits.

My Rates

  • Individual Session (50 mins): $150

  • Couples Session (50 mins): $225

  • Couples Session (75 mins): $300

  • One Month Couples Intensive: $2,000

Choose to invest in yourself.